Each member of the journalistic pair served as ______ the other: each refrained
from publishing a given piece if the other doubted that it was ready to be printed.
(A) a check on
(B) an advocate for
(C) an impediment to
(D) a brake on
(E) an apologist for
(F) an intermediary for
出处:PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #15

提问者: Tom_Wang216 2014-09-02 21:22


photonn 2014-10-06 21:02

The word "impediment" is often used in the context of juridical activity. If a person behaves with impediment, it usually implies that the person has a bad intention, while "refrain" is kind of neutral in the intention. That's probably why the word "impediment" is crossed out. I think that the emotional elements should be considered in this blank.

Sofia-TX 2014-09-05 09:04

impediment :something that makes it difficult to do or complete something : something that interferes with movement or progress

check:to slow or stop (something or someone) from doing something

brake: something used to slow or stop movement or activity — usually + on

refrain:to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do


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