I have always had a lot of questions about education and I wonder if American education is the ultimate one that we aspire to pursue. Do you think American undergraduate education is perfect? If not, what\'s the problem? (I have to set elementary and secondary education aside, otherwise it would be too complex.)

Although I know that education varies from one college to another, there are some universal aspects that universities concern. For example, should colleges cultivate generalists or specialists? (Of course we like to foster both generalists and specialists nevertheless it\'s hard to achieve for lots of reasons. )Some universities attach great importance to General education/Liberal education, but the fact is their courses tend to be professional and confined to certain narrow fields. Granted that universities provide general education, is it more important to familiarize students with basic and essential knowledge or to teach students the method to acquire knowledge and judge, or to convey values?

Although we have plenty mature ideals for college education, ideals remain to be ideals. For example, colleges should cultivate students who are both generalists and specialists. But the fact is it\'s much easier to foster specialists that generalists. A lot of colleges and universities attach great importance to general education/liberal education nevertheless their courses tend to be professional and confined to a certain narrow field.(I mean for each course)

Granted some universities provide general education, it has been a problem to decide whether it is more important to familiarize students with basic and essential knowledge or to teach students the method to get knowledge and judge, or to convey values. They are all important I know but when they are applied to courses they don\'t turn out as we thought.

实际上并不觉得美国的教育达到理想的境地。或许纸上谈兵时(Liberal education in a free society)是挺好的,操作起来问题也很多。现在社会分工越来越发达,学科也有各种各样的sub,课程无限地细化专业化,隔行如隔山。通识课程要缩小不同学科之间的鸿沟,实属不易。而且通识教育本身的内涵与实质还没有定论。


提问者: 寄托小问 2014-03-26 15:11


寄托小答 2014-03-26 16:53

I think I can make a phone call to you to discuss with you about your question. You can leave your phone number by sending a message to EducationUSA Gter Account. I will phone you back as soon as possible. Thank you!


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