请问有没有同学申请了DTU?注册页面总是不成功,邮编不对。页面也翻译不成英语,丹麦语看起来特别吃力,想请问大家是怎么填的? 还有DTU要求 Please note the language scores will ONLY be accepted, after DTU can verify them online.If you take the TOEFL test, please remember to give DTU's TOEFL code (1684) at the time of taking the test, to ensure that DTU can verify the scores online. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that DTU has access to the online score.  请问这是寄成绩的意思吗?

提问者: 白小白74 2016-12-28 22:47
回顶部 我要纠错