While historian Linda Nicholson sees women’s participation in voluntary associations as
activities consistent with the increasing relegation of women’s lives to a separate, “private” sphere in
nineteenth-century Europe, historian Katherine Lynch argues that these kinds of activities enabled
women to join with one another and to develop a kind of shadow citizenship within civil society, if not
the formal state. These kinds of experiences were no substitute for actual political entitlements,
Lynch suggests, but they deserve more attention for their importance in helping individuals forge
enduring bonds of community and identity beyond domestic life. Only by limiting one’s notion of
public life to formal political participation, she says, can one conclude that most women in Western
society have ever been literally consigned to a separate or “private” sphere.The phrase 1.“These kinds of experiences” in the passage refers to experiences that in
Lynch’s view are
(D) a means of altering the political structure
2. The passage implies that Lynch would agree that formal political participation
(A) was increasingly important as the nineteenth century progressed
(B) was an underreported phenomenon among women in nineteenth century Europe within civil
(C) is crucial to helping individuals form community ties
(D) is a significant component of public life
(E) is indicative of a kind of shadow citizenship

提问者: ail22222828 2017-09-04 08:25


GREserendipity 2017-09-19 12:09

These kinds of experiences were no substitute for actual political entitlements,
Lynch suggests, but they deserve more attention for their importance in helping individuals forge enduring bonds of community and identity beyond domestic life. 通过这句话可以知道,这些experience deserve more attention for their importance, 对应B选项中的insufficiently appreciated。
D选项中a means of altering social structure, 相对于no substitute for actual political entitlement, 不能直接得出这可以改变社会结构。

yume1491 2017-09-18 11:04

1. actual political entitlements = > a means of altering the political structure
2.  These kinds of experiences were NO substitute for actual political entitlements => formal political participation is a significant component of public life

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