题目是 广告是导致不健康生活方式的最重要因素
Considering the regional dietary structure, misled healthy concept, irregular living habits and eat to much because of the mood and etc. I am quite convinced that advertisement is just one of the effect factor but not the most.
We all know the most condiment food in Sichuan China is hot pepper, the most famous taste in Shanghai is sweet and southwest of China region prefer to the salty food. Doctors suggests we need eat less salt because it will lead some blood tubes diseases, we should eat less peppery which is harmful for our stomach. Even the sweet food is bad for our teeth. Actually the food we always eat not always is right, it just represents tradition of our regional.
The reason above alone, however, can not complete explain why the bad eating habits, misleading healthy concept is also an essential factor contributed to this phenomenon.Most of girls think fit is beautiful, and try all kinds of methods to keep them fit such as eating pills, refusing to eat food, doing a little exercising. This will lead a series of illness for them, say, have a stomachache and headache ,more easier to have a fever and cough. They need a healthy awareness of beautiful so parents and teachers need to talk to them to correct them.
Although the two reason i mentioned above are convincing, perhaps the primary reason is irregular living habits and eat too much because of the mood.College students always need to stay up late to finish their paper or go out with friends, they may feel hungry during that time,so they need energy by eating food. However ,it is not the suitable time to eat because it is time to rest for your stomach. Also,when we are having a party with friends, we always eat too much food without realization,especially some high energy food such as candles and cakes.These food push pressure to our body.
Although i agree with the state that advertisement is a factor to influence eating habits,i feel that the regional dietary structure etc play a more important aspects to affect.

提问者: 贪念 2015-08-17 14:05


1249306556 2015-08-21 18:35


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